Do you have a bunch of doujinshi you’re just sitting on and want money right away for it? We may buy them! We prefer kemono and BL content, but will make an offer on most items. Generally, we are not interested in straight human doujins. Many places sell these and we are focused on LGBTQ+. We will pay you a lump sum upon receipt of the books. When making an offer, here is what we usually pay for used books in decent condition.

Please do not offer doujins that celebrate vore, rape, torture, or other depictions of abuse. We may choose to only purchase part of your collection.

When bidding, please keep in mind of our prices and that we do need to make a substantial profit to continue operations. We have provided some estimated pricing we will offer per book type.

Please use the form below to send us your collection and we will ask for further information or send a quote. If you’re in the US, we will pay for the shipping label and have you put it on the box to ship it off. Once we receive the books and inspect the condition, we will send your payment via CashApp, certified check, Venmo, PayPal, or bank transfer. The doujinshi won’t be listed until we send payment to you.

Book Genre
Offer per Book
G – R15
$3 to $12
$4 to $20
BL Humans
G – R15
$3 to $10
BL Humans
$3 to $12
$1 to $4